Our stance on security

Secure and compliant by default

We deeply understand the significance of assisting you in managing and keeping private your company and employee data. Our organization and product development emphasizes the crucial aspects of security and privacy.

Internal Security


Rigorous development

Products and releases undergo rigorous security evaluations and penetration tests. We utilize a public bug bounty program to ensure ongoing assessment and enhancement.

Data encryption

Unless you configure to do so, we do not store prompt inputs. Data you permit us to store is encrypted at rest and safeguarded by TLS during. We bcrypt hash passwords and utilize AWS tools to manage secrets.

Role-based access

We systematically restrict access to essential tools, resources and data by implementing time- and role-based access controls. Background, accreditation and DBS checks are conducted on all employees.

Product security


Flexible access management

Manage roles, permissions, and access policies, with optional Single Sign-On (SSO) integration for centralized control.

Refined user permissions

Manage access to AI services with granular permissions, ensuring secure and streamlined interaction with your data.

Data storage flexibility

Our platform respects your data privacy and won't store any data unless explicitly configured by the customer to do so.

Advanced data protection

Scrub and mask sensitive information before it reaches AI services with customizable data control rules and sophisticated content filtering.

Real-time monitoring

Track user activity and identify potential security risks with AI Gateway's real-time monitoring and automated alerting capabilities.

AI Gateway’s commitment to data privacy

We uphold the highest regard for privacy. Our dedicated efforts include these key commitments:
Privacy policy
Our policy respects CCPA, GDPR, and the Privacy Shield Framework.
Privacy at our core
Your data is yours. We never sell nor store user-generated content without your permission.
Data processing agreement
Our DPA aligns with GDPR requirements, ensuring compliant data handling.
Data transfer
Our Standard Contractual Clauses ensure compliance in user data transfer and storage.
We’ve appointed a dedicated officer and ISMS Team to oversee ongoing compliance efforts.
Secure data handling
We implement and follow industry best practices for data security and privacy protection.

Empower your workforce and unleash compliant AI

Harness secure AI solutions via AI Gateway. Respect your organization’s sensitive information and transform your team’s capabilities.